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Consider Donating a Themed Basket

Updated: Oct 9, 2024

The Friends of the Orion Township Library have been providing significant funding for library programming since 2012. Our Friends 2024 Holiday Silent Auction is critical to this funding and will be hosted at the Orion Township Public Library from November 2 through November 23.

Assorted holiday gift baskets on a table with silent auction signup sheets.

Would you consider donating a theme basket or desirable items to our holiday auction again this year?

  • Our donation deadline has been extended through Friday, October 25..

    • Drop off your donation at the library customer service desk beginning Monday, September 30 (Attention: Friends).

    • Please include a list of the items and their value for the bid sheet.

  • Each basket is paired with a book. We will select a book for you, or you may provide one.

  • We will wrap the basket for you, if you prefer.

  • We appreciate your generosity and thus promote your donation using bid sheets, auction signage, Facebook and the Orion Living magazine.

If you have any questions, or want to confirm your participation, please reach out using the contact information below.

Thank you for your past support of our community library which helped us raise over $6,000 last year for community and children’s programming. We trust we can count on your continued support in 2025.


Barb Pote, Fundraising Chair

The Friends of the Orion Township Library is a 501(c)3 domestic non-profit corporation started to promote public support of the Orion Township Public Library, to promote reading, literacy and lifelong learning, and to maintain an association of persons interested in the library. Friends act in cooperation with the library board and staff, serving as a liaison between the community and library.

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