Business and Investing
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AtoZ databases
AtoZdatabases is a premier Job Search, Reference & Mailing List Database including 30 million business & executive profiles & 220 million residents. Ideal for sales leads mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and much more!
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
Robust and highly-detailed demographic data. Ideal for gaining consumer and market insight as you consider opening a business, finding an untapped audience for your products, analyzing the shifts and needs of a given population, and more. Reporting capability allows you to rapidly produce a variety of compiled reports to help you make informed and accurate decisions.
DemographicsNow will be discontinued by its publisher on March 28, 2025.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
Entrepreneurial Studies Source
Entrepreneurial Studies Source is an essential database for business students and researchers, providing the latest insights on entrepreneurship and small businesses topics. It offers full-text business journals, magazines, reference books, case studies and company profiles.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
LinkedIn Learning
LinkedIn Learning for Library (formerly for Libraries) contains over 16,000 professionally-produced courses in Business, Technology, and Creative Arts. All courses are structured by instructional designers, taught by real-world experts, and shot with extremely high production quality.
Provided by the Orion Library
Small Business Source
Small Business Source offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. It includes business videos, a help and advice section and details on how to create business plans.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
Ebook Collection - Business
eBook Business Collection offers more than 18,000 business e-books selected to assist students and scholars with various business research, special project and entrepreneurial needs. A key resource for academic and business school libraries, eBook Business Collection encompasses a variety of topics, such as marketing, finance, supply chain management and entrepreneurship.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
MasterFILE Complete
MasterFILE Complete offers the largest collection of popular full-text magazines, reference books and other highly-regarded sources from the world's leading publishers. Covering virtually every general interest subject area, it also includes an extensive collection of photos, maps, and flags.
Provided by the Michigan eLibrary
Weiss Ratings Consumer Guides
Weiss Ratings Consumer Guides offers easy-to-use tools to help patrons navigate through nine important areas. Each easy-to-read, step-by-step guide is packed with accurate, unbiased information and recommendations you've come to expect from Weiss Ratings. Topics include: Automotive Insurance; Elder Care Choices; Health Savings Accounts; Homeowners Insurance; Long-Term Care Insurance; Medicare Prescription Drug Coverage; Medicare Supplement Insurance; Term Life Insurance; Variable Annuities.
Provided by the Orion Library